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Brazil changes visa rules to attract digital nomads

Brazil changes visa rules to attract digital nomads

Brazil changes visa rules to attract digital nomads 

Before the coronavirus pandemic, the Brazilian labor market was strongly
reluctant towards the telecommuting practice. However, due to the imperative
need for social isolation to contain the pandemic's advance, remote work got
the attention of employers and was adopted as a solution to enable the
continuity of business activities.
“Being flexible” used to be considered a talent attraction strategy implemented
by certain companies, but today, it has become a demand in the labor market.
The consequence of this context is the boost of the number of the so-called
digital nomads or what is known as "anywhere office". In practice, a digital
nomad is someone who travels the world while working remotely.

Brazil has taken an important step towards embracing the anywhere office
concept. On January 24th, 2022, the Brazilian Ministry of Justice issued new
rules for granting temporary visas with temporary residence authorization to
"digital nomad" immigrants.
To obtain the visa, the worker shall fulfill the following requirements:
• To work remotely for a foreign employer while using communication
• To have health insurance valid in the national territory;
• To receive a monthly amount payment equal to or higher than US$ 1,500.00
(fifteen hundred dollars) or have available bank funds in the minimum
amount of US$ 18,000.00 (eighteen thousand dollars).
To demonstrate that these requirements are duly fulfilled, the immigrant must
present an employment agreement or service agreement and/or other
documents proving the existence of a remote working relationship with a
foreign employer and the receipt of the minimum monthly income required. 

If the monthly payment does not reach the minimum amount required, the
immigrant must present other documents (e.g.: bank statement) that confirm
that he can provide for itself in Brazil, with bank funds of the minimum amount
underlined above.
Once the condition of 'digital nomad' is demonstrated, a visa will be issued with
a one-year-validity term -- which can be extended for an equal period.
The immigrant can request the visa directly from the Brazilian Ministry of Justice,
at the website: https://portaldeimigracao.mj.gov.br/pt/migranteweb
In this moment of economic recovery in Brazil, the concession of visas for digital
nomads is an important step not only to foster the national economy with the
resources brought by these immigrants, but also to attract qualified immigrant
workforce to the country.

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Bela Vista - São Paulo - SP - Brasil
CEP: 01.311-000
Fone: (55 11) 3284-2138
Rua Alceu Amoroso Lima, nº 786, sala 312,
Edif. Tancredo Neve Trade Center
Caminho das Árvores, Salvador - BA - Brasil
CEP: 41.820-770
Fone: (55 71) 2626-5246
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Fone: (55 81) 4141-6400
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